Thank you for visiting our web site. We encourage you to contact us if you would like more information or would like to submit changes, pictures, and information. You may reach us by: Email:


Chairman             Vice Chairman         

Edna Green                Marie Williams       Lillian McCray    Jackie Blandon       Lucille Sellers   

1319 Mandella Rd.   66 Suzie Pl                (843) 387-5485   (843) 825-3478     (843) 825-2732

Bonneau, SC 29431 Andrews, SC 29510      

(843) 825-6301         (843) 833-1888                                   



Please make check/money orders payable to:

White Family Reunion                                                                                                  

Send to one of the above addresses


 Please sign our Guestbook and give us your feedback.



Family Reunion Coordinators
